Our little man went through arthroscopic surgery on both elbows and a neuter all at the same time. Normally, we wouldn't go through elbow surgery but he is young and he had the most severe elbow dysplasia. His bad elbows were a result of genetics, or/and poor nutrition as a pup, as well as no exercise and being confined to a crate for his first seven months or so.
He is on his way to good health and starts water therapy soon.
His, at that time, potential adopters visited him once a week for over a month to let him get to know them. Once he went to his new home on trial, he settled in quickly. They saw him through his surgery and have been diligently rehabilitating him. He loves his family and especially his 10 year old young man.
He no longer has fear of most new people, now. He has a couple of canine pals in his new family. He tested one of them quite a lot which was the hold up on his adoption. However, he has seen the light and realized what a great home he has.
Congratulations to Seth and his family!
He put on a whopping 16 pounds on his raw diet and grew a little in height since April. He's at 65 pounds.
He gets very excited at mealtime, however, he has learned quickly that unless he is quiet and lying down, dinner is not prepared and preparer leaves the kitchen.
He loves his quiet time to play on his own in the yard with his toys, tossing them in the air and rolling around in the grass.
This little man, Seth (a.k.a. Poppy, Popsicle, Snowball, Cottonpuff, Scotties Little Softy), is about 11 months old and originated from the South Korean meat market. Humane Society International (HSI) brought many dogs back, and Seth is one of them. They asked if we could help and we did.
He did not have a puppyhood but he is now becoming his true self after almost two months with us. He is as cute as a button when he runs around and plays. He loves to be loved.
He must go to a home with another dog. He seems to be fine with all dogs although males don’t seem keen on him. The resident dog is female. She has tried to play with him but he fell over on all attempts so play quickly ended. He is starting to learn how to play and loves paw and mouth play.
He sees cats on the street and, although he shows an interest, hasn’t done anything untoward to-date.
He is shy of new people coming in his home and people on the streets. We cross the street when he wants to turn back home, and create distance between us and the new people. When he wants to stop and look, that is a good thing. And, that is when walking with another dog. Occasionally, he’ll go about half to a block and half without another dog.
He learns quickly and knows sit and down and sometimes come.
He loves when his person works in the kitchen and he lies just at the doorway very contented that you’re in one place. It’s very calming for him.
He’s good on leash. He will need a harness since, should he balk at seeing new people, no damage will be done to his spine.
He will need to continue to be on a raw diet. His start in life was something similar to chicken feed so he did not get the required nutrients to fully develop. He is a little bow-legged. He has gained almost 9 pounds. He is at 52 pounds and 23.5" at the wither.
Poppy is now house trained and doesn’t want anything to do with the crate unless someone new comes into the house. It’s his safe place until he feels its time to venture out to check out the new person.
He sleeps well through the night although does move around trying to find the best place. He seems to prefer the bathroom tiles where it is cool.
He is content to be with his people in a quiet household.
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