
by Michael
(U P Michigan )

So I've found this brush called the Furminator. Seems to work very well maybe even better than any brush that I've used. Somethings I have the feeling that it is actually cutting the fur. As we know no haircuts allowed . Anyone have any info on these devices?


Comments for Shedding

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Jul 08, 2016
No furminator
by: Nashville Anonymous

I think this gadget just cuts the fut and the short parts take away from beauty of coat. I now use a rake. Petsmart . We go outdoors once a week and take dog thoroughly. Fish oil pill helps with coat too.

Jul 08, 2016
by: Donna

A good slicker brush to brush out the whole coat, followed by a comb. Do small bits by lifting the coat and do short pull strokes.

Start at the head and work back to the end of the tail from top to bottom so you don't miss anything.

When you come to the longer coat, hold the coat at the base so you aren't pulling the skin too much when you comb in quick strokes.

Do a good grooming weekly and a once over with the slicker brush daily to keep up with it.

Remember to trim all nails including the single dews on the front and the double dews on each hing leg. Usually monthly or every two weeks. Depends on how quickly your dog's nails grow.

Aug 14, 2016
Frankie kicks off SHEDFEST 2016
by: Martha

Frankie (like a lot of other pyrs this summer) kept her winter coat and didn't start shedding in May like usual. Just yesterday - August 13th -the first few cotton balls were spotted in the hallway. This morning, a big pile of white fluff at the bottom of the stairs....more in the kitchen.

Shedfest has begun!

I don't have a fancy brush...just a sturdy "horse comb" and my trusty old filter queen vaccuum cleaner from 1965. Frankie actually enjoys the low hum of the filter queen and she lies there and lets me "vaccuum her" and comb her.

Every Sunday morning she gets brushed and fluffed up...this morning so much hair was flying I felt like we were in a "snow dome" that wouldn't stop shaking. As for Frankie, she doesn't look so pretty right now...LOL...the hair on the haunches and side belly tends to come out first and the hair on her chest, neck, shoulders and head is still thick. She looks like a scrawny lion.

Anyway, we all know the next few weeks will be "HAIRY" around here.

Wishing you all a lovely Shedfest.

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