by Maryanne Pearce
Great Pyrenees Rescue Sophie
Our heartfelt condolences go out to Sophie’s family.
From her family:
Our family adopted a pyr/bouvier mix from your rescue about 10 years ago. Her name was Sophie. She was such an amazing dog. Unfortunately, she passed away a few weeks ago and we were devastated. We have cats, chickens, and soon, ducks. I hope someone there remembers Sophie. She was such a sweet girl.
Sophie is a mixed Pyr/Bouvier that her previous owner bought through a kijiji ad when she was only a few weeks old. Normally SOGPC Rescue does not accept mixes, as we are so busy with Pyrs, and because the temperaments of mixes are different than those of Pyrs (even the unregistered ones we normally have in rescue).
However, because Sophie's situation was somewhat urgent, an exception was made and 48 hours after receiving a call from another rescue group seeking our help (and 24 hours from making contact with the owner), Sophie was in her new foster home.
Sophie was born June 16, 2010. Her vaccinations are up-to-date including rabies. She will be spayed before she is adopted. Sophie is crate trained and house trained, but has a habit of running away so a fenced backyard is a must. She is used to living inside a house. She is fine with cats and was raised with another dog. She is used to being with kids, having grown up with a baby and a toddler.
She is described by her previous owner as timid, affectionate, smart, listens well, good-natured and protective. The first things we noticed when she came into the rescue program is she is a cuddle-puppy (very affectionate), travels well, and will need some training to walk on a leash.
Sophie's owners separated, and she was left outside most of the time tied up since then. Her owner called a rescue group hours away seeking help. She could not have her in an apartment and her ex no longer wanted the dog. Unspayed females given away for free often end up in puppy mills, and large dogs do not necessarily do well in shelters.
At less than a year, her social development and ability to bond to humans is at an important stage. Sophie had taken to running away with the other dog, likely as she was not getting enough exercise or attention.
The SOGPC Rescue Team would like to thank Dorothy from the Highland Animal Rescue Team who contacted us. Sophie was far from their catchment area, and we had helped them a few weeks previously with another Pyr, so they called us and has kept in touch to ensure that she okay.
We would also like to thank Marinka and Alan for spending their day off driving for six hours to get Sophie, and to our newest foster family for agreeing to take her on such short notice.
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