Staring Down the Threat

by Jean Lodge
(Wilmington, DE)

I've had Great Pyrenees for over 25 years and now am actively involved in helping organizations rescue them. My amazing story is that about 25 years ago I was at the beach on a small road that ran parallel with the bay. I was pushing a double stroller with my two youngest children in it. I had my first two Pyrs walking with me (on leashes.) All of a sudden a Rottweiler that was in a backyard that began at the road charged to the edge of the property. There was no fence and there was only a child in the backyard.

My two Pyrs never growled, never made a sound. They stood side-by-side in front of the stroller and just stared down the Rottweiler. I have always been convinced that the Rottweiler (and it could have been any breed dog, or mixed-breed dog) didn't attack because there were two big Pyrs in front of him. Their hackles weren't even raised.

I was calling out to the child, "Is your mommy or daddy home," and I must have been heard because after what seemed an eternity an adult came out and called the dog into the house. I was terrified.

All these years later I am amazed and I can cry when telling this story. I knew at that moment that all I had learned about Pyrs was true and that they would always be the perfect breed for me. I currently have two Pyrs, three mixed-breed Pyrs, and all but one are dogs I fostered and then adopted.

I love this story of Frank and I love reading all the personal accounts. I had a hard time reading by the end because of my crying in relief at how incredible Frank is and with gratitude that he wasn't horribly hurt and that none of the children were hurt or killed.

Thank you for sharing this story and reminding us all how precious our Pyrs are, and for educating people about them.

Comments for Staring Down the Threat

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Apr 15, 2015
by: Susan

When my pyr, Seamus, was about 4 months old, we walked past a property where a large adult Rotweiler was tied out. The rotti began lunging and barking at us very aggressively and Seamus actually stood there and began barking back at the rotti! I could not decide if he was fearless or crazy! But he stayed fearless all his life.

Apr 16, 2015
It was the Pyrs
by: Donna

It's all in the body language. Dogs understand each other and that Rottweiler knew better. He would have been killed had he tried anything. Given the proper socialization, training and love, they are the most powerful and loyal dog.

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