by Ed A from NJ
(New Jersey)
Maximoose, Buttercup and Nava
Before I introduce our new family I want to thank everyone involvoled with this site for champion a wonderful breed and being do active in supporting local rescues. I can't think of a greater group of people to share my Pyrenees life with.
My very small contribution is that I have been able to get 3 beautiful Pyrenees through rescue and my love Beau has caused my best Friend to adopt 2 of his own.
Also I would say thank you to all the wonderful readers who have sent kind words in the past you may not even know how much they mean in hard times. Thank you all.
Now the picture you requested. Above is our new fur family and the wonderful women who made it possible for me to move forward. The big picture is Maximoose after a few baths my wife and I realized we needed help so we took him in and after whiting shampoo and a brush out and much needed trim and dematting here is the wonderful new six year old Maximoose.
As of now he fits like a glove. He is a bit smaller than Beau but I still think Beau sent him to me. Top right is of course my beautiful Buttercup now 13 she was a 6 year old coming into our house our second Pyrenees adoption. Bottom right is Nava at 5 months old she will be trained both as a service dog and in water rescue as I try to pay it forward for the wonderful things Beau had given me through his life. The second picture is my beautiful and wise wife. She is 70 years old and still is a vibrant and beautiful as the day we met ( I swear 70 and that is why if I wasn't sure there was a god she proves it).
Thank you honey for sending me on a trip that put my family back together. So when my time comes I will meet Beau on the other side of the rainbow bridge and wait for the rest of you.
Thank you Beau I can hardly wait to hold you again but til then you sent me the right babies to keep is company in eternity.
Comments for Superman 2 - Maximoose and Nava join the family!
Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM
Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM
Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM
Feb 11, 25 01:40 PM
Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM
Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM
Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM
Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM