by Teresa H
(Aurora, CO)
We were out at the in-law's house for Xmas 2013. On Xmas Eve, we went to the local Cabela's and out front there were two people selling puppies...a young man had an X-Pen full of tiny little yellow Labs, but what immediately caught my eye was the white fluffball sitting nervously next to the lady who held a sign that said, "Great Pyrenees Puppy for Sale - last one!"
I had no idea what a Pyr was - but that white dog's soulful gaze went right through me. I went up to the lady and petted the dog - her fur was like down. I petted the dog for a while and then reluctantly went away. As we were shopping in the store, I remarked to my husband, "That white dog - if she were mine, I'd call her 'Yuki' (snow)..."
My husband looked amused and asked me why I would think of a name for a dog I hadn't bought...and then he asked me if I wanted the puppy. I thought immediately of my elderly Corgi, who is now 12 years old. I worried about it, but decided that since my husband had made no secret of wanting a big dog that we'd spring for it and get the beautiful little dog.
It took us a couple weeks to arrange to fly Yuki home - my mother in law kept her for us, and when she got home, she and the Corgi sniffed each other and called a truce. I was amazed that Yuki loved our cat Rory. He'd had some bad experiences with big dogs and was skittish at first, but he and Yuki became fast friends.
I am continually amazed at how intelligent and regal Yuki is...she was top of her puppy class. I was home alone with my daughter a few weeks ago, and Yuki and Katie bolted down the stairs, Yuki's deep bark (at 5 months!) echoing off the entryway ceiling. I cracked the door to a shifty-looking guy, who took a step back and tried to sell me some spiel about winning a car. I told him to leave, and he protested until he saw Yuki's snout at my waist. He stared at her a few seconds, then turned tail and left. Yuki waited till he was out of our yard before she let me close the door.
I feel so safe and secure with my big, bumbly guard-puppy. I know Yuki is always looking out for us, our silent, gentle white giant.
Comments for The Christmas Pyr
Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM
Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM
Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM
Feb 11, 25 01:40 PM
Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM
Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM
Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM
Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM