The Christmas Pyr

by Teresa H
(Aurora, CO)

We were out at the in-law's house for Xmas 2013. On Xmas Eve, we went to the local Cabela's and out front there were two people selling puppies...a young man had an X-Pen full of tiny little yellow Labs, but what immediately caught my eye was the white fluffball sitting nervously next to the lady who held a sign that said, "Great Pyrenees Puppy for Sale - last one!"

I had no idea what a Pyr was - but that white dog's soulful gaze went right through me. I went up to the lady and petted the dog - her fur was like down. I petted the dog for a while and then reluctantly went away. As we were shopping in the store, I remarked to my husband, "That white dog - if she were mine, I'd call her 'Yuki' (snow)..."

My husband looked amused and asked me why I would think of a name for a dog I hadn't bought...and then he asked me if I wanted the puppy. I thought immediately of my elderly Corgi, who is now 12 years old. I worried about it, but decided that since my husband had made no secret of wanting a big dog that we'd spring for it and get the beautiful little dog.

It took us a couple weeks to arrange to fly Yuki home - my mother in law kept her for us, and when she got home, she and the Corgi sniffed each other and called a truce. I was amazed that Yuki loved our cat Rory. He'd had some bad experiences with big dogs and was skittish at first, but he and Yuki became fast friends.

I am continually amazed at how intelligent and regal Yuki is...she was top of her puppy class. I was home alone with my daughter a few weeks ago, and Yuki and Katie bolted down the stairs, Yuki's deep bark (at 5 months!) echoing off the entryway ceiling. I cracked the door to a shifty-looking guy, who took a step back and tried to sell me some spiel about winning a car. I told him to leave, and he protested until he saw Yuki's snout at my waist. He stared at her a few seconds, then turned tail and left. Yuki waited till he was out of our yard before she let me close the door.

I feel so safe and secure with my big, bumbly guard-puppy. I know Yuki is always looking out for us, our silent, gentle white giant.

Comments for The Christmas Pyr

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Mar 25, 2014
by: Anonymous

What a wonderful story. You have a real "love" in your life now. Take good care of her. Sounds like she's a keeper. I, too am an owner of a Great Pyr.
Brutus is my wonderful and huge 150 lb, 4 year old male. Barks like he's in the Grand Canyon. I call him my "Granddog". He, too, loves cats, and my young grandchildren, and all the neighbors, too. So glad you love this breed.

Apr 16, 2014
by: Ed Alparone

Oh do I envy you, your in for the ride of your life. Your first pyre is a real treat, you are about to have a new love affair that will change the way you see dogs.

These amazing animals will love everything that lives in your house and most likely your close neighbors. You will be lulled into thinking that with age she has become to sweet to truly guard but when ever she feels your at risk you will see the other side. You will see that she will do many things without training because she has her own mind.

You will never wear black again ether. Then you will realize you never want to be without one again. Welcome to the brotherhood.

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