The Great, the Connoisseur, the Ladies' man.

by Htan



What inspires us to come up with the name that goes with that very special pup in our hearts???

Bringing back our special Pyr that 4 months ago, took us a good almost 8 hrs plus one way (could be more but we don't count pee-breaks or burger breaks) car travel from South back to North. We have a ton of time trying to come up with that perfect name for our perfect puppy... a ton of time brain storming.

My daughter is the one who actually came up with the name "Roman" after many other names being throw around. We, "the adults" of course did not confirm of his new namesake until after much observation of our new baby till the very next day... he is my husband's charge after all... so appropraite "respectful" approval must be given via the head of the family after all.

Roman, oh roman... is just very much "Roman".

Yep, he is that "Great" of a dog... as expected of his namesake.

He is also very much a foodie much like his mom...

Quite a cheese connoisseur. He is quite "French" in that even if his nickname is after "food", that of "Romano" cheese... errr... Italian, French... ehhh close enough (lol).

During X'mas, he did have a taste of foie gras (can licking) that is given by my sister from France if that makes the cheese loving part (yes, he does love cheese too... all kinds from French ones... like his Papa) have that minute connection back to Roman's french roots???

Roman is also quite the "Romeo" of his family.

A ladies' man in fact. One of the reason why my hubby's pet have to be a male is because per hubby, in this household... the "Ying and Yang" is tipped to the advantage of the "females". In fact, my husband had a diabolical logic that even a "male" snapping turtle will tip the scale to his favor (at one point, many months ago... his thoughts). We gals of course forever laugh at that endearing notion... hah! Tip the scale indeed to the male's favor. Even if Roman is over 90lbs today at 7 months... he is very much his momma's & sister's boy (food you know... is a hard hand to win against when it comes to the "men's belly").

Italian or French... food unites all culture much like love transcends all living, be it what species we are.

Just another snippet into our little "big" Roman's life... as "Roman" inspires...

What inspires that namesake or nickname of your special??

-A good thought-

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