The return of super man or how Beau led me to him!

by Ed A
(new jersey)

As most of you regulars know I lost big Beau a while ago ( my super dog and service dog). After his loss as I explained the search for a new service dog insured to no avail. After scouring both adoption and breeders I could not find a huge male and when I found something close my eye would start to tear and the loss of Big Beau would feel brand new.

I started looking at other breeds but no magic happened. Three days ago I woke late... the wife out and the coffee cold... I got to the computer to check my mail.

As usual my wife left the internet open but this time to her face book page. I hate Facebook and don't even have an account. But there he was (after I nosed around a little) a giant 6 year old named Maxamus! He was almost the exact size of Beau with that same huge head. In a kill shelter 2 states away.

I grabbed my phone to call my wife, the hair sticking up on back of my neck! Just like a women no where to be found. I couldn't help myself I got to my truck with my 13 year old female and off we went.

I tried to call my wife multiple times but no luck. I guess I would have to explain later? Through NJ and then Delaware finally into Maryland and into the shabbiest shelter even imaginable. They gave me a laughable application and then brought him out.

Even through the dirt his light shined bright. It was Beau's body double but he was a snowball, all white. Now to see if he liked me. I knelt down to meet him and there it was in his eyes. The look I needed to see.

I brought Buttercup in to meet it was exactly what happened when I brought Beau to meet butter some 6 years earlier when she needed a home only question now would they approve me?

Well when we came back out the application was right where I left it, REALLY? All It took was the $250 bucks and we were in the truck on our way back home.

I called my wife a dozen more time with no luck now wondering if ether of us would have a home when we got there. When we got home the other car was now in the drive way. I guess I would know in wa few minutes.

I walked into the house where a warn bath was running. My wife said: "Was he right did you get him?" She had set me up! She said it had to be my choice or it would never happen.

Now I know at 6 years old and two years training he was not my Service to answer but we both knew he was the answer to how to fill part of the hole in my heart.

It has only been a short time but he is the perfect little man. We had to change his name and don't like macho names for my dogs being a bit and old we didn't want to confuse him, new name...Maximoose!

As to a service dog two days later we went back to a puppy we saw two weeks earlier and added Nava to the family a five month old female Newfie so our family is now complete again.

Thank you Beau a solution so perfect I would have never thought of it. And best of all, they bonded in a couple days. Maximoose loves his new harem and they love him. My vet says Maximoose is a keeper. Pictures of Maximoose to follow soon as we bath him a few more times. But here is little sister Nava to start.

Comments for The return of super man or how Beau led me to him!

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Sep 27, 2015
welcome Maximoose & Nava
by: Anonymous

BEAUTIFUL!! (I hope you brought home roses for your very wise and loving wife!) We look forward to seeing and hearing about all of your adventures with the gang on these pages. God bless!

Sep 27, 2015
Nava and Maximoose
by: Donna

Congratulations, Ed! Wives are smart.

We look forward to pictures of Maxmoose! Nava looks so lovely. That is what big family you have, again.

Sep 28, 2015
love this
by: Sherry Blonde

Love this story! Your wife is a smart woman and you and Maximoose are lucky men. :) Can't wait to see pictures!

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