by HTan
(In z woods)
Tis the seasons again!
Wishing everyone here & all you Pyr lovers a happi & wonderful holiday seasons, into an awesome new year.
Just a little update on our Roman boy here...
(His 2nd winter)
He's been reeeeaal good around the X'mas trees and decors. We still have to watch for his tail swipe though... lol!
And his "sits" are still a gentleman's habit he praticed daily.
Loves love the snow and will practically burrow himself into the snow.
He also gets to free roam quite a bit now even during daily walks (lots of trainings, within fences and hikes etc. We also live on a very non-busy road, hilly, curvey, country and cars are forced to go real slow...).
His recall is great plus his "follow" command.
Roman is about 1 year & 5 months old now...
Waiting on his terrible twos, but we are not worried a bit.
Sure, he may challenge us occasionally still, but mostly he is just a mellow well behaved boy who is destined to be even better as he ages out.
Kudos to all here whose advices that I read and researched even before getting Roman. That we as their parents have to be in control at all times and showed the "juvinile Pyr" who is boss and to follow house rules. This method of always being the leader of the pack in a very sensitive (non negative) way works.
(Remember to always be gentle and maybe throw in a tummy tickle or two when making your Pyr boy or gal flop unto his side. Show tons and tons of love after. Love is everything to our Pyrs..)
- Have a Merry Pyrfect X'mas All!
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