by Brad & Jenn Foisy
(Hamilton, Ontario)
Great Pyrenees Rescue Garrett
* Our heartfelt condolences go out to the Foisy family. We know they lavished love and care on this beautiful boy. *
Well! We just passed our 1 year anniversary with Garrett. Wow, tell me that didn't just fly by! So much has happened, lets see…
In Garrett's first year in his forever home, he has, graduated top of his class, has experienced many hours of grooming and (dare I say ) pampering! He has been promoted to the unofficial title of “non-digital alarm clock”, where by every morning... (some earlier than others) usually around 6:15 a.m, Garrett will sit ever so close to my side of the bed, and pant and stare at me until I awake.
Sometimes if I am in a particularly deep sleep, (which is usually always) he will resort to putting his “big Pyr Paws” on my arms to ensure he doesn’t go unnoticed... Rain or shine (and please, lets not talk about his new raincoat, for fear of damaging his brawny male ego!) for his early morning walk. Which to this day, is so ingrained in my routine, that I miss them when I cannot be around to enjoy them.
Garrett has also learned that the chipmunks at LaSalle park are not always as excited to see him, as he is to see them! Stuffed animals purchased for his enjoyment, do not retain that cute, plush and intact look, much past 20 minutes! His drool was meant to be shared, and that he is the world's largest lap dog!
He has truly been a wonderful addition to our family, and I am sure this is much the same feeling for many Pyr owners. Over the past year we have now amassed more pictures of "the G man" than we have of our family and children, combined!
He has come a long way with us, in regards to socializing with other animals and people. I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t brag about him, to someone… anyone, that is willing to listen and bear with my doting over his many pictures in my blackberry… like a proud Dad.
Truth is, He is my best bud! And we are a better family for being a part of his life... Thanks “G Man” :)
Brad, Jenn, and Carter Foisy
Comments for Update on Garrett - Oct 2011
Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM
Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM
Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM
Feb 11, 25 01:40 PM
Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM
Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM
Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM
Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM