
by Deb
(Santa Cruz, CA USA)

Happy & tired after a hike in the Santa Cruz Mountains

Happy & tired after a hike in the Santa Cruz Mountains

We lost our beloved rescue Pyrenees Asti (Spumonte) last September at 10 1/2. He was 140 lbs. of grace and gentleness with a courageous heart. We had many happy years together and I cherish the memories we have of him as the guardian "angel" in our lives. We hope one day soon to share our lives with another Great White Dog.

I have so enjoyed the stories posted here; some of you really should write a book -- you are superb writers!

A couple of years ago, I wrote a short poem that was included a few months ago in our California Club Newsletter, Pyr News and Notes -- I hope you will enjoy it...perhaps you'll see a bit of your Pyr in here?


Familiars are welcome,
Strangers -- beware,
You’ve just been caught
in a Pyrenees stare.

You’ll be studied,
sized-up and then--
I’ll decide who, what & when,

will be allowed to come close by;
nostrils twitch, head and tail held high.
My task-- to keep my charges sound,
and to that end I’m honor-bound.

Have you noticed my great size?
This booming bark, these stern brown eyes?
You’ll be wise to heed my warn,
as that’s the job for which I’m born.

Comments for Watchdog

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Jul 21, 2010
by: Martha

Beautiful words that celebrate the life of Asti; and bring a smile of warm recognition to anyone who owns, or has ever known a Great Pyr. Thank you for sharing your words, your picture and your memories over such distance.
Keep writing please?

Jul 22, 2010
From one Pyr lover to another
by: Deb

Martha: Thanks so much for your comments.

They are just so magnificent, aren't they? We felt our loss of Asti so deeply, but I'm finally ready (after finishing up a few more house projects) to find another rescue and give him a loving home.

I so enjoyed reading your posts about Frank's defense of your daughter's honor by chasing away Romeo. Absolutely hilarious.

I also enjoy reading the posts on Pyr-L, an online group for all things Pyr. We have a couple of members from Eastern Canada that post from time to time. I've learned so much from the people who post there; many of them have had Pyrenees for 30 years or more. A great resource.

I have also very much enjoyed the GP Club of So. Ontario's site; very well organized and informative. The Sivicultural post under "Working Great Pyrs" is what hooked me. I've forwarded that link to several people as it illustrates the amazing abilities of these working dogs. Their ability to fend off a determined bear and also be so gentle with livestock and people I find enchanting.

Best of luck to you and your wonderful Frank; she definitely has her eye out for you all.

Deb from Santa Cruz Mtns.

Jul 23, 2010
Great Pyrs are UNIQUE!
by: Martha

Hey Deb. I am thrilled to hear you are ready to take in a new Pyr. I think you are truly an angel. Great Pyrs are unique, and the average dog owner doesn't always appreciate the traits of this breed. Pyrs need a home where they are understood, loved and nurtured. I admit that my dog takes more energy, more time, more ingenuity, and sure takes up more space... but I wouldn't trade her.

I love the Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario site. I check in every other week and get updates on new stuff. I hope you keep us posted on your new acquisition! And keep writing and sharing. If you go into Pyr Ownership and click on stories you can read them all and share your own as well.

Good luck!

Jan 14, 2012
by: Lisa

No truer words were ever spoken...My life will never be the same without my Riley...We are all lucky to share our lives with these beautiful animals...Give your love to another pyr there is nothing like it...God bless..

Nov 24, 2012
Love this Poem!!!
by: Fawn

Thank you for writing this describes them perfectly, and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!

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Breaking News

  1. Leo

    Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM

    *ADOPTED* DOB: September 2023 (almost 1.5-years-old) Location: Acton, ON Single family home with a securely fenced yard required. This sweetheart was

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  2. Buster

    Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM

    *Buster is going back to his original family as things have brightened up in their lives and he'll have a wonderful life on acreage.* Buster had to come

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  3. Courtesy - Bear

    Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM

    Bear DOB:  October 2018 (almost 7-years-old) Location:  Midland, Ontario Pyr/Maremma? mix Single family home with a large securely-fenced property

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  4. Lucy

    Feb 11, 25 01:40 PM

    *Foster-to-Adopt* or *Foster* DOB: January 3, 2024 (9 months) Location: Acton, Ontario She will need a single-family home with a securely fenced yard

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  5. Courtesy - Maya

    Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM

    *ADOPTED* Location: Dunnville, ON DOB: Jan. 3, 2021 (3.5 years) Spayed Companion Dog, Pyr mix Good with children. Single family home. Raw diet (species-appropriate)

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  6. Courtesy Posting - Luc

    Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM

    As a pup.
    *We are delighted that, after providing his family with help in training, they have decided to work with this boy.* Name: Luc Breed: Maremma x Pyr Age:

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  7. Courtesy Posting - Beau

    Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM

    As a pup.
    *We provided his family with some teaching help, and they have decided to work with these two!* Name: Beau Breed: Maremma cross Age: 18 months DOB:

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  8. Courtesy Post - Princess

    Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM

    *ADOPTED* Great news. Princess has a become part of a new family. They have the space and time to spend with her. Princess DOB: February 6, 2020 (4-years-old)

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