
by Jessica Fountain
(Cambridge, Ohio, united states)

I notice when my kids are in their room playing, I have a gate up so our 8 month old Pyrenees can't get in there to chew up stuff. He will start whining and pacing back and forth and will come to me and whine. Is that because he thinks they are his sheep or whatever and feels he needs to be with them to protect them.

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Jan 17, 2015
puppy love
by: Ed A from NJ

Your baby is indeed starting to get to an age of protection but also because he is so young he wants to play. They are his babies and he wants to be with them. If it were me I would give him all the time I could with his kids. He will learn to be gentle with them and the closer he gets the better. You must also socialize him so he gets used to the idea of company, if done right they have a great since of who is good and who is not. He will be invaluable in your home. I live in New Jersey and with my two I can enjoy sleeping with my widows open in the summer knowing I need not worry about intruders. I will know early and often if someone comes on the property and as for kids, the whole block allows their kids to stay out on the block as long as my two are outside. No one can touch any kid on the block. They are so protective of there flock. That is every child on their block.

Mar 17, 2015
by: Donna

It's extremely important that your pup be socialized with as many children as possible. That being said, always be present in the room with the dog and the children. Never leave them alone with the dog.

Children also need to be trained to respect dogs and learn how to treat them.

We have a great article on Children and Dogs.


Mar 16, 2017
Whiny sound
by: TJ

OK, Sarge is a rescue right at 2 years old. He'll sometimes make this really unbearable sound. it's not distress because sometimes he'll have a toy, or it's when I come home.

He SOUNDS like Chewbacca sort of, but it's a a really high pitched kinda of "roohheeeerooooooeeee" thing.

It sounds like he's been put in a CHIPPER. He does it when I come home, when he's outside with a toy..I THINK it's a happy sound but it's CRAZY sounding.

What IS that? Pardon my ignorance. We love him, he has a huge yard, food, doc visits, and ALL THE HUGS AND LOVES he can hold, but WHAT IS THAT NOISE? :)

Thanks. I came across this page by accident, so if anyone is interested in educating me, tededwardsjunior@gmail.com is me.

Thanks :)

Dec 20, 2021
by: Anonymous

Yep, going thru the 'whines here also, but when i read that your baby sounds like 'Chewbacca' had to write. I've thought the sound was my girl's alone, evidently not. Gotta say I prefer the chewbacca to the actual, nerve-twisting hours long Whine tho. Guessing we may all take some mental respite knowing 'we're All' hearing an 'Unknown Origin'or entity lol.(special just for Us 🙃
Is there anyone that can avoid laughing even when training, esp when they look up to your eyes for reaction?
Thinking maybe if i add more mental & physical stimulation she'll be spent (so will i). They're exceptionally smart, known as 'escape artist' for a reason ~ how much can they calculate? I'll find out.
Euely's 10 mos old now & this 'unending' lover of Loving @ 6mos became mine.
She helps me remember to see with 'wonder' again.

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