
by HTan

king log

king log

Roman is walked daily for at least an hour, maybe a couple times a day weather permitting.

He lives for his walks with us...
But for trust training... Our weekend couple hour long hikes with him "off leash" is probably more precious moments for us and him.

Not once on these hikes he has shown any "want to explore by myself" signs.
Maybe, he treated us like his flock to keep safe, thus he always stayed close to us. He may forge ahead to clear the way, come back to check on his slow mommy and brush his body and tail by mine to be sure I am OK (much like a cat I say). But he always do the rounds (go ahead, lag a bit in between, come to the back again).

Some things I noticed...
He never barked off his home property.
Not on walks, not on hikes, not a visit to grandma's house.
He also never eliminate "outside" of his home (unless at grandma's over night stays). Marked yes, not poo.

He is so typically aloof that he may encounter strangers interested to talk to us about him... He stayed close but will impatiently want us to forge on with the hike (almost like coming back to collect us to be on our ways). He also never lingers too long even while playing with friendly dogs, couple minutes tops. Again, either he leave play himself or just come when called.

Anyhoo... We have trained him off leash since we got him in Oct 2012.

Proud to say... Roman experienced no dogfights, dog bites nor bitten anyone.... Even with those couple times of being surprised by joggers, a group of girl scouts and a huge crowd of rushing map game seekers people...

All above occasions without leash on.
He does stay and sit for leash to be put on anytime we asked... Willingly.
As if to say... I trust in you to know what and when to be leashed.

Either he is one empathic boy, well trained or we are just lucky to have him that way, you decide.

Comments for Willingly

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Apr 13, 2014
by: marianne

You have a wonderful dog there. Is he really a Pyr?;)

Of course, you have not yet encountered a true threat or he wouldn't be so amenable. What a wonderful fellow!

Apr 19, 2015
Yeah he pyr.
by: HTan

Yup, Roman is a Pyr true n true.
But, he is only allowed to guard if at home.
(His juvenile job)

Out like in these trails, he already has encountered horseback trail riders twice.
So yes, he is tested via "encounters".
(Horses is his biggest strange animal encounter, dogs he encountered many many times)

But his training of *not yours* hold as this trail is not his home territories.
We called him away from the horses (he was ahead, but stopped and look to us husband and I for directions). When asked to come, *stayed* to be leashed, he did as his trainings have him do.

Once he is lead off danger, he is let loose again still close to the horses but he is "aloof" so ignore the horses like the horses ignored him.

(The 2nd encounter with the horses have a few loose dogs with the riders... and I do not want to be the pyr owner who "spooked" horses... be pretty expensive if that happened)

I trust my Roman.
Because I have not let him down for his trust in me yet (we the pyrparents have always protected him from all sorts of dangers)... why I trust that he trust me with the decisions.

I am his mom. I protect my boy even if he is guard dog or not. ;)

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