by May Marlow
(Ingersoll, ON)
Dec. 12th - I had to make the hardest decision to say goodbye to my beautiful, special Pyr Dwarf - Willow or Itty Bitty Girl as she was registered. But to us she was always "The Woo". I was so blessed to have such a special animal for 8 1/2 years. She commanded attention. She was fearless and I think she always thought she was full size!!! She would go regularly to the vets for shots this past year, and she had every technician wrapped around her paws!!! She would do her weigh in, but then the "give me treats" bark would start. Oh she had it all figured out....
To have the love and devotion of a Pyr is special in itself. But to have had the same love and devotion wrapped up in a pint-size Pyr was something extraordinary. She was born deaf, but you would never had known it. That just meant she could smell a cookie better and from a much further distance. She's now with her Mighty and although that brings some comfort, the loss of my Woo and the joy she brought to everybody that had ever known that pint size ball of confidence won't ever be replaced.
Comments for Willow - aka The Woo
Feb 11, 25 05:48 PM
Feb 11, 25 01:40 PM
Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM
Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM
Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM
Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM
Dec 13, 24 03:30 PM
Dec 05, 24 06:50 AM