13 week anatolian great pyrenees pup

by kathy
(albany ny)

I cannot get this dog to eat anything except raw hamburg and chicken! He is the pickiest eater I have ever seen. He has been checked by vet and is fine. Very playful, loving but horrible to get to eat. He hates peanut butter, its a job to con him into taking his delicious heartworm pills. Have tried every food on the market and does like food that is way too expensive for me to buy on a permanent basis. Help, anyone!!!

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Jul 15, 2017
13 week anatolian great pyrenees pup
by: Darlene Hickman

I do not know about the Anatolian side of your pup but we have a 9 year old Pyrenees Pup. She eats raw , chicken legs , raw hamburger. Pyrs do best on a raw diet. Try buying cheaper cuts on sale, Vac packing them and freezing. We buy that way also buy good puppy food for large breeds.
Feed the raw and put the dry dog/puppy food in his dish.
He'll eat when he's hungry. My Pyr sometimes goes 2 days without eating her dry food, but she does eat it.

Cheese is a good enticer for the heart worm pills, etc
Good luck they are stubborn but the best dogs ever

Jul 16, 2017
picky eater
by: Anonymous

It's a challenge, for sure. Our Pyr is 3yrs old. We found a high end kibble that he will eat, Origen Red. We've had dogs our whole life. None of them were food fussy like he is. None of them were a Pyr, either. But a good balance is still required whatever you give your pup in his bowl, and a high end kibble will give him this. Ours refused puppy chow, too. Yours will decide what he wants and let you know by accepting it.
For their size, these dogs eat surprisingly little. If packaged frozen beef liver is available where you live, give him a 1/2pc. cooked and chopped into bitty-bits mixed in with his kibble. Or, a cooked and chopped egg. Doesn't take much. Moisten his food with some water.
Go online. Do some research on home cooked food for dogs. Avoid corn and potatoes. There is no one-solution-fits-all. Just keep trying. Hand feed when you must. He's still a baby and sitting on the floor beside him to hand feed won't 'spoil' him.
You may have to gently tip his head back and drop his meds on the very back of his tongue. Immediately after offer him a cooked liver bit as a reward. Remember to stay relaxed and breathe normally. He will know if you are anxious about this, and react by refusing.
This is just our experience. Others may have some good ideas, too. Food acceptance may be a never ending re-write for you and this dog. Try to not assume anything that whatever worked with your other dogs, should also work with this pup. He is unique in every way and will have his own opinion about everything, always.
Good luck.

Nov 08, 2017
13 week anatolian pyrenees pup
by: Anonymous

Well he is now 7 1/2 months and thanks so much definitely loves raw chicken. He eats his kibble with a little cheese mixed in. He is almost 90 pounds now and my only regret is I don't have 2 of him. Thanks for your support, it really helped as all of my dogs have eaten like horses and now he does too!!

Nov 09, 2017
Raw Diet
by: Donna

It's best to feed raw and cut out the kibble since they are two different 'food' groups and digest differently.

Here is an excellent article on feeding raw and how in the Dogs Naturally magazine.


Apr 11, 2018
Puppy picture
by: Meg

We just got an anatolian pyrenees pup that looks just like this picture!! If you are able, can you post a pic of her grown up? Also, how much does she weigh now?? Thanks so much -- Meg

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