A few questions

Thank you for answering my past questions. I can't find the thread on the site anymore tho. It was about the barking at other dogs. The insight about it was more of a wanting to meet and play with other dogs was exactly right. I was scared to bring him close to them now he is totally fine when he actually meets them. He was barking at people to but that has completely stopped. He loves people but not when they rush up to him.

I have a few more questions.

1. I switched my guy to a raw diet. I have a few questions about that.
2. Shedding and blowing coat, I think mine is doing that but not sure.

Can someone call me? My name is Jordan (416) 968-9095. I'm in Toronto.

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Jun 18, 2015
Jordan's questions
by: Anonymous

Jordan, when you are on the GP Club site scroll down to "GP Questions". Scroll thru the questions until you see "feeding my skinny dog" as it has Donna's very detailed answer on feeding raw. Personally we do not feed our GP packaged raw as the "freshness" of it is a concern. Was this diet recommended to you by a vet who is familiar with GPs? You seem highly motivated to do the best you can for your dog (good for you!) and your vet who knows your dog can be a great source of info for you.

Insofar as "blowing his coat", shedding may not be so dramatic as all that sounds. If you keep your dog inside he will not have the same amount of that beautiful downy undercoat as those kept outdoors. Keep up with the grooming...he will be less itchy and the quality of his coat will reflect your care.

Happy to hear that socialisation is working well for him and you! As for when people rush up to him, stand steady by his side, no tension on the leash. And odd as this sounds, remember to breathe! His hesitation is his own way of assessing the situation as a guardian dog. Give him those tiny moments to do that, as it is encoded behaviour. Good luck with him. You have a bright future together.

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