
by cindy

After my son researched the anatolian/pyrenees mix he approved of my buying a pup for their little family which consists of my son, my daughter in law and my grand daughter who is three.

The dog was 2 years old recently and where they moved to they have a neighbor who up til this point the dog loved.

Unfortunately something happened and the dog bit the neighbor causing a great deal of injury.

The sad part is my son had to have the dog put down due to his size and what was seen as aggressive behavior.

Its a very sad situation and I believe people are looking for answers where perhaps there just aren't any but maybe someone with more experience might know why this might have happened.

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Jul 08, 2019

by: Donna

Sadly, you had a mixed breed of two different guardian dogs which can mean wires get crossed and as the pup matures, his real nature comes out. There may have been markers along the way but no one noticed or weren't aware of what to look for.

Second, the dog came from a backyard breeder/farmer which means the pup, in his first 8 weeks, was not socialized/handled by many many many different people to ensure he becomes accustomed to invited guests coming on to the property or even people coming up to him on neutral territory. This socialization and handling was probably done by you but by then it was too late. Just being socialized/handled by family is not enough. He only becomes accustomed to his family. Guests touching him or coming onto his property becomes a huge issue.

The dog may have been fine with the neighbour when he was a pup and starting to mature but by two, this happens. You don't say where it happened. Was it when the neighbour came onto the property? It doesn't matter at this point but just to say how important that socialization and handling is when they are pups.

This can happen on occasion from a reputable breeder with a pure breed, as well, but that is definitely a case of crossed wires and nothing can be done to save the dog.

We are so sorry this has happened to you but it is a common scenario with dogs who are either mixed breed and/or not socialized or handled properly by many different people.

I hope this helps you to understand better what happened.

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