Anxiety - In Car

by Mary W
(Southern Vermont)

My 8 month old Pyr does not enjoy car rides! He gets sick and vomits, from time to time he poops in the back seat, and he drools like a mad man! He is reluctant to get in the car, and during the drive, he lies on the back seat, won't look out the window, tries to get down onto the floor. I want to take him with me everywhere, but it's not fun for him or for me. Help!

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May 04, 2018
Afraid of the Car
by: Donna

Have you just started taking him places at 8 months old? Is he a rescue who had to travel long distances to get to your house? If so, he would be associating a long long ride that may have been traumatic during or at the end with having to get back into a car.

How often do you take him out? Start by having him sit in the car while in the driveway. Give him high value treats and tell him what a good dog he is.

How long are the rides? As you progress from standstill to driving, make the drives short and increase them over time. Make the end of the ride a great experience such as a walk or nice hike or do whatever he likes to do including great treats.

Where do you take him on the rides? Make sure not to only go to the vet's. He'll associate the vet with the ride.

Here is a link that will help you.

I hope this helps.

Apr 12, 2024
Car ride trauma
by: Briam

My three and one-half year old Pyr suddenly will not get into the back of my mini van. He apparently encountered some sort of trauma the last time he entered. How can he become "de-sensitized from his new found fear?

Apr 12, 2024
by: Anon

The Trust Technique with James French works. He has worked with anxiety behaviour in bears, lions, dogs, cats and horses. There is specifically one where he works with a dog who just shakes if he has to go near the car let alone go for a ride in the car.

His video course is fabulous. I'm going through it a third time just because it is so nice to see how he works with the animals. You can also hire a practitioner from their website with a free 15 minute consult. You do it over Zoom.

I am working on my dog with his fears, and he has come a long way in a short time.

Trust Technique

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