Anxiety - Jumps out windows, though screens

by Marcie
(Beverly, MA)

Our 4 year old male golden mix boy has historically destroyed screens by clawing at them and jumping out of windows (even second story). He was better after we noticed he only did it while we walked away, especially with the grandkids. We assume he thought we were stealing his sheep. Now he has started again even if we drive away. He has destroyed over 25 screens even when the glass in the windows is closed. We have learned to shut all the windows when we leave. He cowers when we yell at him for doing it, but keeps doing it anyway.

Other than that he is a perfect boy. Loves the kids, the cat, and us. Always listens and is well behaved.

Any idea how to curb this behavior. I don't want to crate him while we leave the house if possible.

Thank you.

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Sep 29, 2019
Anxiety - Jumps out windows, through screens
by: Donna

It sounds like he is anxious when you leave the house although you don't say if he is destructive in the house when you leave. You don't mention it so he probably is not.

To yell at him for this or any behaviour does not help since he doesn't understand why you are yelling at him. Even if you caught him at it, yelling at him would not help since he simply wants to be with you or he has anxiety.

You aren't using crating as punishment but simply giving him a safe place to be when you are out. Otherwise, he could be hit by a car or any other number of things could happen to him. Crating him would be the safest thing for him. Crates make dogs feel safe if crate-trained properly. Otherwise, he will continue this behaviour.

Here is a great online crate training. It works really well if you training according to it.

This may provide some insight for you:

There is also this free dog training workshop.

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