
by cheryl

Our rescued great Pyr barks very loudly and kind of a lot. She has a huge yard, gets a one hour walk each day, lots of play with our dalmation, comes inside whenever she wants, in other words, kind of rules the house. We adore her but the barking sends us outside to hush her at all times of day (thinking of the neighbors). Is barking a common trait for Pyrs?

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Nov 24, 2013
I feel for you!
by: Anonymous

Our Brutus barks all the time when outside also. He even barks at airplanes. We are constantly telling him to hush to no avail. I'm told it's just part of the breed. I've even thought of one of those no-bark collars but just can't yet bring myself to subject him to it. Let me know if you have any luck with any preventative measures.

Jan 31, 2014
by: Anonymous

This may just be my Pyr, but when he barks at specific things a loud noise or neighbors kids etc I talk to him show him and explain the noise...he seems to understand? I also try and give him something to distract him. We live near a hwy and he's learned through me talking to him 18wheelers have air breaks, motorcycles can be annoying and loud especially choppers, and the neighbors kids cry and scream and love to make noise. He no longer barks at that. Now when we also go to the park and walks and I let him bark to his content, so he kind of gets when it's ok to bark and not.

Jul 04, 2014
by: Donna

This is what Pyrs are about. They are guardian dogs who must bark to make their presence known in order to ward off predators. Make sure to go look at what he is barking and see what your Pyr is looking at. If all is safe, tell him it's okay and good dog! for guarding.

He'll keep barking so 'shshshsh, it's okay. Go lie down.' This can all be done quietly. Wait until he does as he is told and then tell him 'Good job!' and pats.

Aug 12, 2014
Pyranees witthout sense of boundary
by: Anonymous

I have a nasty neighbor, calls the cops and complains everytime he hears a large dog bark, blaming my very noticeable white Pyr. Most of the time it is some other dog, but try telling that to the cops when the neighbor has blamed "that big white dog."

I have managed to teach my dog that airplanes, cars, and trash trucks and all the damn lawnmowers are not to be barked at. But he persists in barking anytime any person gets out of a car or walks down the entire block, and he is extremely barkative (and often will not respond to command) at all the little walking mops in the area.

Bark collars don't work--(a) he ignores them, and (b) my runt Golden breaks them in play.

He doesn't seem to recognize his yard boundary--if he can see it, it's barked at, and he can see quite a ways. There are no natural boundaries here, and no fences.

I realize this is natural behavior, but what can I do?

Dec 19, 2014
by: Anonymous

I have started to use the word stay and make her sit when outside in the backyard were she barks at everything. This is helping us get control of her aggression ,she is responding well and enjoying the backyard however when I am not with her she barks

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