Behaviour - Bullying

by danielle


Norman is a year and a half now, I got him at 8 weeks old from a farm where I met his brothers and parents. He is my first great Pyrenees and first male dog.

He was recently neutered about 10 days ago.

He has been a great puppy and very loving.

I have another dog, she is 3 and a very happy rescue dog. She loves other dogs, and was so happy to have Norman come along.

We live on an 11 acre farm where we receive many visitors. We are about 9 people that live here full time.

He is not super obedient but understands no. He can do some commands when treats are involved. He loves everyone and everyone loves him. He can be a bit jealous and want all the attention or food.

Norman was neutered last week and since then, I have noticed some bullying behavior that is concerning.

3 times in the last week he has gotten on top of my female dog and growled at her. This has only happened a couple times in the last few months. I have pulled him off of her, and she is always very scared.

Yesterday, my gardeners wife brought lunch and brought their little toy sized dog. That dog has been here before. Norman also pinned her down and growled at her too.

Today, while Norman, my female dog and myself were walking the farm, he ran up the hill ahead of us, then charged down the hill and growled at the female to keep her from coming up. Then, at dinner time, I fed him first, outside, and then fed her, and when he finished he came in and stared her down and growled a bit until she walked away from her food. She is becoming afraid of him.

There is a neighborhood dog that comes here a few times a week, and Norman has always loved her, but yesterday she was under the outside couch and when she poked out, he went after her. Today when she arrived, he was smelled her, then I heard her whine/cry. He didn't seem to do anything to her that I could see, but they have always been friends.

I have written the vet to see if he might come out to see if there is any lingering pain or issues, but I'm at a loss.

One other thing to note is that I travel quite frequently, for about 3 weeks every two to three months, but there is always a petsitter while I am gone. I can't say training has been very consistent due to this. But he's been a really great dog. He has never been mean to my 17 year old cat, the kids that live here, or my ducks, chickens or swans. He lets my goose pick at him and never been mean.

Perhaps someone can recommend a trainer for me that would work via phone? I suspect the problem might just be me. Why can't we all just get along?

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Feb 15, 2019
by: Donna

I am not an animal behaviourist so anything could be going on here.

It may be related to the neutering. Or, this can happen with dogs from unknown genetics or wires are just crossed. Perhaps he isn't full Pyr which is where wires can get crossed. As pups mature, they become who they will become. This behaviour usually doesn't change unless it is a medical problem.

You are in Columbia so we are not familiar with trainers from there. There isn't much you can do with this behaviour other than redirect it. I would suggest you contact a vet behaviourist who should be able to help you and make suggestions. If they suggest a trainer, make sure you engage a positive-reinforcement behaviour.

It's good to hear he is fine with people. Until you talk to a vet behaviourist, I would suggest you crate-train him when you aren't around so he won't bully your other girl. Keep him on leash around other dogs.

Copy and paste this URL into your browser. It has good information about dog behaviour. I know you want an instant answer but it's not so simple.

Feb 15, 2019
by: Donna

There is also this consideration:

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