Behaviourial Issues - 3 year old

by Matt
(Chicago, IL, USA)

I am hoping that assistance with some behavioral advice and/or resources for recent issues that have occurred in the past month with our Great Pyrenees can be provided. I very much appreciate any feedback and thank you for all that you do:

My wife & I adopted a Great Pyrenees rescue (2) years ago in August 2018, at the time of adoption the rescue group assumed his age at the time to be around (1) year old, which would make him about (3) years old now. The GP we adopted was a stray who was found abandoned in Arkansas with several health issues, including malnourishment. We nursed all ailments back to full health and he has done absolutely great and been a very happy dog with no behavioral issues at all until a couple incidents that occurred in the past month.

Unfortunately, within the past month our GP has aggressively growled and snapped at (3) different people. This was bizarre as he has been very social and interacted with a bunch of dogs/people with no issues in (2) years. While he has not bitten anyone and I know GP's tend to use their bark to deter and are known to not actually bite, these growling/snapping episodes have resulted in scary situations for both us and our friends that have been involved. To go along with this, the most recent incident occurred in the presence of a toddler, and while our GP did not show any aggression towards the toddler, we clearly do not want to risk further incidents, especially with children.

We are willing and open to listen to any suggestions and are fully committed to working to resolve these issues. We love our dog but are worried about these recent issues.
Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to hearing back from you.


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Aug 28, 2020
Behaviourial Issues
by: Great Pyrenees Club

It is so hard to say what is going on. Sometimes these things don't just happen. They work up to this without people knowing what to look for in body language.

Is he doing this off property or when people come into the house? Until you get some help, keep him separate in the house from guests. When on walks, keep him muzzled and away from other people.

There might be a medical issue he is having and is in pain. A trip to the vet for a check up would be a start.

I would recommend contacting a veterinarian behaviourist. They are the professionals. Talk to your vet and they will recommend someone. You will get your best advice from them.

Best of luck.

Aug 29, 2020
by: Ck In va

We have had the same with our recuse. And yes it may in pain of some type. But as all dogs some people send a bad vibe.And may be taken care of (you and kids) as human flock. Get checked for medical issues and then ask other pry recuse that they are a human companion.

Nov 02, 2020
Aggression - 3 year old
by: Karen B

Hi, your story is almost identical to ours. We adopted Willow at 1.5 years from a family who appeared to be overwhelmed. We have had NO issues in 2 years. This past month, she attacked one dog while off leash in a park across the street with me (she was playing with 4 other dogs when this dog came upon the 5 - it was on leash with its owner). Thankfully there was no physical damage that time. Saturday she did it again, this time, she was on leash, same park. We were two willing dog owners, trying to introduce the two dogs and Willow just launched at the other dog. This time she caused 5 puncture wounds. If anyone has any further input, it would be very much appreciated. We have already made an appointment with the vet to check her physically (make sure she is not in pain) and have contacted a trainer.

Nov 04, 2020
Dog Reactivity
by: Donna

Always watch dog's body language so attacks cannot happen. You can intervene before that happens. Hopefully there are no medical issues. Talk to your vet. He can recommend a certified vet behaviourist talk to you.

Stay away from dog parks.

Your dog isn't happy with this dog, as you know. She may be okay with other dogs. Always slow introductions at a distance, dogs on either side of their humans. Watch body language. This is so important.

Train your dog to the muzzle just in case. You should also consider a head halter.

Susan Garret has a great podcast.

Here is one on Understanding and Preventing Reactivity and Aggression

Using a Head Halter

I hope this helps.

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