Brown and black puppy

I have a white male and a white female, they bred and one of the puppies is brown and black, how does this happen?

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Nov 26, 2016
by: Donna

First, you need to spay and neuter your dogs. You don't know the lineage of your dogs and you are not a responsible breeder. You do not know what you are doing.

I suspect you had your dogs in the backyard. Another dog or more got into the mix with your female and you ended up with mixes. Know that more than one male can breed a female and you can end up with a mix like you did.

It also could be from where you got your male and female that your dogs are not full Pyrs. There could be throwbacks in there. I suspect your dogs are not registered with a recognized kennel club since a breeder would not allow you to breed your dog and have made sure they were spayed and neutered.

Please stop breeding. Leave it to the breeders who are registered with a recognized kennel club and know what they are doing. They breed to improve the breed. They only breed their bitch 2 maybe 3 times in their lifetime between the ages of 3 and 7.

Responsible and ethical breeders do not breed for profit.

They interview potential puppy people to ensure dogs are going to good homes, they follow up to ensure people spay and neuter at the appropriate age, they work 24/7 to make sure pups are raised properly and they get the crucial socialization and handling by many many different people in their first 8 weeks of life which must be followed by the new family.

Know that over 3 million dogs (most healthy) are put down every year in the States because no one wanted them as they grew. People like you breed irresponsibly. Then, those dogs make more puppies and the cycle continues. People only see cute puppies and don't do the work.


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