challenges with puppy

by liz
(milwaukee wi )

Hi I just got a great pry puppy he is 2 months old and he is indoors. I try to take him every day for a long walk and run but he almost never wants to run. When he sees the house he wants to go in right away but when he's inside it's just a nightmare. He wants to be following me everywhere I go and bitting my legs. I have tried buying a lot of toys and bones and treats but nothing interests him only my feet so he can bite me. I also have a 10 month old and he tries to climb on my baby. I'm sure he's curios and wants to play but I'm afraid he'll bite my baby. I'm really in love with my puppy but I am very stressed at the fact that he seems to have so much energy and won't play with any toy. Everyone we sit for dinner he tries to climb on us or bite the table or anything he sees. What can I do?

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Nov 20, 2015
by: Donna

I'm not sure what you thought when you were getting a puppy especially since you have a baby. Both require much work.

A puppy requires ongoing positive-reinforcement training. You can't just throw toys in front of him and expect him to amuse himself. You need to get a positive-reinforcement trainer into help you.

Get a positive-reinforcement trainer in now to show you how to manage your puppy. That is trainer who shows you how to use a clicker and only praise and redirect to train. NEVER use punishment. It is up to you to give the dog guidance on the things he should be doing. Redirect him for things he shouldn't be doing.

You also need to train the puppy to the crate for the times you are not there so he is safe. You mustn't leave him in there any longer than an hour or so.

Put him in the crate while you are eating but make it a good experience for him. Tie a Kong full of his dinner in the back of it.

If you don't work with him now, You'll have even more work as he becomes bigger.

If you don't think you have time for him, I suggest you give him back to the breeder (a reputable breeder will take him back). Or, if he isn't from a reputable breeder, surrender him to a good rescue in your area before he has issue which becomes difficult to manage. Any issues he has are not his fault. It is up to you to help him become a good canine citizen.

You might be in love with your puppy but that isn't reason enough to keep him. I'm not sure what you thought a fluffy cute white puppy would do.

The dogs always pay the price because their people didn't do their homework, didn't go to a reputable breeder who would not have given them a dog because they have a baby, and their people don't have time to train the dog.

Nov 21, 2015
by: Anonymous

Dear me....sounds as if you have neglected Rule #1 : the joy of behavioural parameters. Not complicated, but does require you to be consistant, your reaction patient & calm, your firm re-direction towards another better interest for your pups (at the exact moment they misbehave) a clear message. If you have been leaving your young dogs' behavioural development up to "whatever", you will now be catching up. It is crucial for your dogs' future as a companion that you take the time now to teach them, otherwise they may well grow up to become a serious threat to you, the children, the neighbourhood. Your responsibility for this is not negotiable. Good luck.

Nov 22, 2015
by: Donna

I reread what you wrote. You have a two month old and a 10 month old puppy. Please, surrender these dogs before they have issues if they don't already.

Two month old puppies do not want to 'run'. Nor go for long walks. They need to play and socialize with other dogs and people. They need ongoing training with a positive reinforcement trainer.

Your 10 month old needs walks and playtime. As well, as socialization and training.

Your dogs need a securely fenced yard in which to play.

You should not have dogs let alone two pups especially since you have a baby. I don't know what you were thinking.

Both dogs need ongoing training with a positive reinforcement trainer. I'm guessing you don't leave your baby to her own devices. You do not have time for two puppies.

Please, surrender them to a rescue before they have issues and no one wants them.

Nov 23, 2015
Not the best timing
by: Ed A from NJ

Congrats on your new puppy and reasonably new baby but your timing may be a little rough. A eight week old puppy GP is a handful. Though very smart they are willful and head strong and while even a puppy would never hurt a child he is growing himself and not aware of his streighty and mighty size.

First I think you need close supervision and maybe a bike helmet and knee pads for the child. As for your feet you need calm assertive direction and patients to ein the day with the puppy. The way I see it you will be in potty training between the both of them for the next 3 years though if your dilagent the puppy will train faster.

The good news is if you work at it and maybe bring in some help doing it. In two year your puppy will make sure your baby is the safest kid on the block. Not only will they love each other they will grow up with there best friend around at all times.

The bond between a Pyrenees and his child is truly amazing. My boy adopted all the kids on our block and I swear he was never more happy then the time he spent watching over them. When he passed earlier this year the whole block kids and parents deeper over him. It was totally heart warming to know he had do many friends of his own. What i am telling you is be kind and pacient, get help and in a short time the rewards will be amazing.They truly are great companions, great guardiens and super family members.

Dec 07, 2015
Re Challenges with puppy
by: Craig

I'm in agreement with the above posts.
These dogs will be the most loyal and fun pets for you and your young one as long as you spend time with them NOW. If you can't, you will end up with a large, headstrong behemoth who is used to having his way and won't understand when you try to change his behaviour later on. They will also be very protective, but you don't want them being overly protective - then you have a problem. So, give him as much time as you give your baby - give positive reinforcement and a gentle hand. If he misbehaves, a sharp verbal reprimand will be enough (he won't like being scolded and will eventually learn to avoid the behaviour which leads to scolding).
The worst my big fella gets is a sharp verbal scolding and a gentle tap across the nose with my finger (nothing more - he knows he's being scolded). He responds and then needs to know he is still loved. Yours will to if they receive lots of love NOW.

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