by Greg
I have a Pyrenees cross (50% GP + 25% Red Heeler + 25% German Shepherd) that is 10 months old and chews, and chews, and chews. Problem is he chews electrical cords and other wires that are plugged in. Decimates them. This is an operating farm with horses and cattle and electrical cords and fencing is part of it - especially during winter. He also chews hoses, trees and branches, plastic and various lawn furniture and ornaments. When he finds something he destroys it and even if it is fixed or replaced he is quickly back at the same spot or item. Is this something he will grow out of or is it a fault with this particular individual dog? I do not have the time to "babysit" or spend a lot of hours training the dog, so I need to know whether to expect less chewing down the road or should I look to re-home the dog with someone who can give the time and attention he needs. He is a good dog and very smart but maybe not the fit for our operation. (I am also thinking the Red Heeler in the mix is not helping the situation)
Comments for Chewing
Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM
Dec 30, 24 02:39 PM
Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM
Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM
Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM
Dec 13, 24 03:30 PM
Dec 05, 24 06:50 AM
Nov 05, 24 02:57 PM