
by Charlene Maillet
(Dieppe, NB Canada)

At what age do they lose their baby coat and regain a new one ?

I was to adopt this female , but she seems to have a short coat .. She is unregistered , but not so sure she looks like a 4 mo old Gr Pyr. ?

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Mar 11, 2016
Pyr Mix
by: Donna

When you go to a backyard breeder, you don't know what you will get.

It's hard to say but she looks to be a mix at this age. Their coats remain shorter for awhile. Their full coats don't come in until about two years old.

You'll see as she grows if she is full Pyr. Does she have double dews on each of her hind legs?

Have a look at these facebook photos of Pyr puppies and you can see about what they should look like although the most recent ones are at 7 weeks old. Yours is probably a little older:

Make sure you have her spayed at the appropriate age. Six months is a good age. The shelters are full of unwanted dogs including puppies.

Mar 11, 2016
Pyr mix
by: Donna

When you go to a backyard breeder, you don't know what you will get.

It's hard to say but she looks to be a mix at this age. Their coats remain shorter for awhile. Their full coats don't come in until about two years old.

They molt twice a year and shed all year round.

You'll see as she grows if she is full Pyr. Does she have double dews on each of her hind legs?

Have a look at these facebook photos of Pyr puppies and you can see about what they should look like although the most recent ones are at 7 weeks old. Yours is probably a little older:

Make sure you have her spayed at the appropriate age. Six months is a good age. The shelters are full of unwanted dogs including puppies.

Mar 11, 2016
too cute!
by: Anonymous

You should see a difference after he's about 1 yr old. Ours was a fluffy "Gund baby", too. And now I harvest his bounteous molts and have it spun into yarn. Just wait for it. For now, enjoy his cuteness as there'll be a whole bunch of brushing in your future together!

Mar 11, 2016
by: Nashvillr

You can do DNa test thru vet or akc

Mar 11, 2016
by: Ed A from NJ

I have seen some with shorter coats but the one I had from when it was a puppy was a ball of fur from 8 weeks old. My other two were older when I got the a 8 month old and a 5 year old do I can't talk from an over abundacy of experience. When I just reasently look I went to one very good breeder thinking I might go with a breeder this time and her six month old puppy had a shorter coat then I am use to. I went back to rescue and got Maximoose and am once again blessed with another beautiful great Pyrenees.No one will ever talk me out of rescuing. I am 3 for 3 getting pure breed beautiful Pyrenees from rescues. Angels all 3, you just gotta take the time and know what to look for and know the people doing the rescue work.

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