coloring, one-sided tail, and goofy walking

floor boards are 6

floor boards are 6

We've just adopted a St. Bernard/Great Pyr mix (according to the previous owner who had bought her from a pet store). At almost 12 months old, she's a dainty 68 pounds though fairly tall - in the one photo, floorboards are 6" wide for size reference. Build is narrow, back end is higher than front end. Her coloring seems unusual, almost more Anatolian with the mask, and overall color is shades of cream/biscuit, not white. Does Pyr coloring include dark muzzles? (but the spot on top of her head is hair dye - previous owner tried to cover purple hair dye that dripped on her when they were dying their own hair) When it does curl, her tail always curls to the right; is it normal to be partial to one side? A bigger concern is that she seems to bunny hop when running. She sits tight, though stands with her toes pointed out slightly; they usually point straight when she is walking. She seems to still be growing into her legs and movements are generally very bendy and wiggly. She's wiped out a few times dashing through sharp turns and clocked her nose into the wall turning around in the hallway.
Could bunny hopping still be normal puppy clutzness at this age? We'll be seeing the vet later this week or next week but they often don't know these breeds well. Our previous dogs were St. B mix and an Akbash mix they kept calling a white GSD (a very clumsy one until age 3 or 4).

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Apr 26, 2017
Pet store dogs
by: Donna

Your dog could have any number of breeds in her. I suspect you know that pets from pet stores come from pet mills. Dogs breed with any dogs. There is no love for the dogs. They are there simply to make the 'factory' money. They are not fed properly nor cared for properly. Genetics are never considered when breeding happens. Nor is temperament nor health. The millers know that when people see puppies, all they see are cute.

Bunny hopping is not normal. Pyrs do not have colour on their noses. Badger markings are on their ears that may or many not go around their eyes. There may be a large spot of colour on one side of their torso and a large spot above their tail.

Wiping out can be normal as pups (and, she is still a pup). Make sure your vet watches her move at different paces.

Your vet will be able to tell you more. Best of luck.

Apr 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

She's still pretty and still a puppy!

Apr 27, 2017
puppy love
by: Anonymous

I agree with the comment from Nashville. She looks like a sweetie and from your post, your only worries are for her health. Her demeanor is of a kind individual and not confrontational, nervous, snappy. So, you have a lot to be grateful for.
The wiggles and the clutziness, the position of the paws...all that is normal for a pup who is growing very fast into a big dog. The 'bunny hop' is a bit concerning, but your vet is the best person to advise you on that. There are all manner of homeopathic treatments for animals nowadays that closely mirror what is available for humans, from physio to acupuncture. Perhaps your dog spent too much time locked into a kennel that was too small for her, in her previous home? Her growing body spent too much time curled up. Gentle, consistent exercise is so important for good bone growth while these big dogs are growing.
Try in future to not buy/adopt/save any animals that come from suspicious sources. Sadly, if we 'save' even one animal produced in a puppy mill, all we are doing is ensuring that the will continue. We must all be vigilant. Report a suspected operation if you find one. Work hard to bring the perpetrators to justice.
You love your new dog. She is lucky that you do. The breeders at the puppy mill where she may have been born do not care about any thing but the $'s their pups generate. They care nothing for good health, good character, or the genetic abnormalities they breed on.
I hope your dog is spayed. Do not neglect this. It is important to stop her dubious line from continuing on in a batch of new puppies. Now that you have her, care for and love her. But be prepared for a lifetime of potential health issues for her. Good luck.

Apr 28, 2017
pyr tails
by: Anonymous

I am on pyr #3 and yes their tails do not go straight over their back but rather to the side. 2/3 of mine went to left The male we had we got at age 7; his feet rotated out all the time, looked exactly like the grinches feet in the movie. We also had a St Bernard/pyr mix who did bunny hop at times We ended up having surgery on both knees for tendon problems then unfortunately lost him to osteosarcoma at age 5. About broke our hearts; when Lil Joe did his pyr bark I think it cleared out anything that might have considered entering our acreage

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