by Marianne Glofcheski
(Lochaber, Québec )
Et il afaut que je me tiens tranquille en plus.
Elle! est une petite pyrénéenne de 7 mois qui a été donné en cadeau. Malheureusement, la maison avait déjà deux autres chiens, des mâles plus vieux, de race autre, qui n‘avait pas l’intention de partager l’attention de la dame. En bonne Pyrénéenne, Elle! se défendait de son mieux mais elle est encore jeune. Le comportement de gardien s’est développé plus tôt que d’ordinaire et elle tentait de défendre la dame des autres chiens.
Ils ont admis d’avoir été séduit par la boule de poil et de ne pas s’être informés sur le caractère ni la compatibilité avant de l’amener à la maison.
Elle! est une belle fille qui n’a besoin que d’être chiot encore un bout de temps et de développer ses caractéristiques de race dans un environnement d’amour et de sécurité. Elle est en accueil présentement en train d’apprendre de nouvelles choses avec des chats et un grand mâle de race croisé et la bonne entente règne.
Elle! sera châtrée et vaccinée avant d’être adoptée.
Marianne Glofcheski (819) 985-1044
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by Marianne Glofcheski
(Lochaber, Québec )
Who is that?
Elle! is a pretty little 7 month old Pyr girl who was given as a gift. Unfortunately, there were already two other dogs, males of different race, already in the home who had no intention of allowing her to pre-empt the attentions of the lady. As a Pyr, Elle! defended herself as best she could but she was still too young to face down both. Furthermore, the guardian behaviour came to the fore earlier than usual as she tried to defend the lady from the other dogs.
The people have admitted that they fell for the little white fur ball and didn’t do the research beforehand about the character and compatibility before getting her.
Elle! Is a lovely little girl who just needs time to be a puppy for a while and develop the characteristics of her breed in an environment of love and safely.
She is presently in foster soaking up new experiences with a cat and a big male crossbreed. They get along very well.
Elle! will be spayed and vaccinated before adoption.
Marianne Glofcheski (819) 985-1044
Return to Post A Happy Tail 2012.
Elle has found her forever home. Here is a note from her new family.
BellaBear came to us as Belle and spoke French. After ensuring she got along with our 9 year old rescue Mojo, she came into our home and after some adjustment time, fit in perfectly! We found her a safe place to "hide “while getting used to household noises, as she was displaying kennel-type behaviour.
At 7 months, she showed her puppiness gradually, digging holes, jumping on couches etc. With daily trips to the local dog park and lots of TLC, her timidness gradually went away and she became more attached to us, to the point where she will now seek our attention!
Our now bilingual puppy is growing strong and she loves her play friend Mojo, sitting with him all the time! We were blessed with the series of events that lead her to us and now we cannot imagine life without our BellaBear!
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