Eye Colour

by Monica MacLellan
(Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

Is a Pyr purebred if he/she has green or blue eyes....anything but 'black' eyes ?

I purely ask the question to pass information along to others who claim their dogs are 'pure'.

My loves have all passed on in the last 3 years...
Therefore. I have no pictures to publish.

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Jan 21, 2018
Eye colour
by: Donna

In Canada, they are only purebreds if they come with registration papers from a recognized kennel club.

The standard for eye colour in Pyrs is a rich dark brown. Occasionally, there may be a throw back of a blue eye.

They have double dew claws on both hind legs. Each claw has it own pad.

Aug 06, 2020
Being Purbred
by: Wyo4fun

I must disagree with the statement that they are only purbred if papered/registered.
I have had my female tested. She did not come papered. My male did. The genetic testing showed both were purebred as well as their parents and grandparents per the lineages.
If someone fails to register their dog or cant with AKC that doesnt mean its not purebred just unregistered

Aug 07, 2020
by: Donna

Here are the policies for Canadian Kennel Club

"...Any breeder selling a dog as purebred must register the dog and provide the new owner with the registration certificate within six months of the date of sale – this is the law, as required under the Animal Pedigree Act..."

The AKC is unclear but this is from Wikipedia.

You can certainly have a full Pyr.

Jun 29, 2022
Golden eyes
by: Anonymous

My Pyrs has double dews on both legs and a pure white coat, and I actually bought him from a ours breeder, but he has light golden eyes that really glow and are very soulful. I can’t find this anywhere! Is he unique with that eye color?

Nov 26, 2023
Golden eyes
by: Anonymous

In response to Anonymous- Tyrus, my sons GP , also has golden eyes. Double dews on back legs! He’s absolutely lovely! And sooo GP in attitude and behavior! Never met a dog so contrary to our other 3 dogs!

Feb 09, 2024
by: Anonymous

My great Pyrenees just had puppies and we got a bright blue eyed one from her litter..very beautiful

Nov 08, 2024
Physical characteristics mean nothing RE purebred
by: Anonymous

For the record, even a non purebred pyr can have the brown/amber eyes and all white coat. I have a mix, and she’s got the same eyes and coat, and double hind dew claws.

The only way to know for certain it’s purebred is to test, if you didn’t purchase them from a reputable breeder. Breeders can still sell their dogs as purebred, if they’re purebred here in Canada. They don’t NEED to be registered to be sold as purebred, some people just won’t adopt a purebred dog without that paperwork, and that paperwork, in my opinion, means nothing when you can still get poorly bred purebreds from people who register them…

Nov 09, 2024
by: Donna

In fact, dogs must be registered with the Canadian Kennel Club to be considered purebred. A dog will come with a Canadian Kennel Club certificate. No guarantee of a physically or temperamentally sound good. It's up to the 'buyer' to do their research on a responsible breeder.

DNA tests are not always accurate. In fact, CBC had a show and even the journalist submitted a sample at one of the companies. He came back as a breed of dog. They research four different companies.

To me, in the end, if you don't show, it doesn't matter. Pyrs have a specific look as does any breed. A good eye will know if it's a Pyr or not. Again, do your research on a breeder. Responsible breeders breed to maintain a physically and mentally sound dog. They only breed a bitch twice or maybe three times in their lives. The list goes on. Ultimately, they don't breed to make a profit.

Double dews don't necessarily mean much. I know of a fellow who had a Great Dane mix. He had double dews.

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