Introducing two adult male great pyrenees

Male & female siblings

Male & female siblings

18 months ago, we purchased a male Great Pyrenees puppy. Our daughter purchased his only sibling, a female. Since then, she has also acquired a male Great Pyrenees/Marama mix, who is 3 weeks younger. The siblings had not seen eachother since they were 9 weeks old. We recently came for a visit, and the two siblings reunited beautifully - they eat, sleep & play together like they were never separated, but our dog so far has shown aggressive tendencies toward our daughter's male, even though he is very sweet & submissive, despite the fact that we are on HIS territory! They have a ten-acre property, and can keep the dogs apart, but would like not to. Is there any way we can help the two males to accept eachother?

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Jul 02, 2016
Just not happening
by: Ed A from NJ

I really hate to say this but your going up against 5000 years of genetics. Because pyrenees are breed to be confident and independent they also are very alpha, especially males. The sibs get along well because they are a male and female. But your big man will not tolerate the other male and the more mature he gets the less he will tolerate. I would highly recamend you never leave the two alone and try to keep them apart. If they get into it it will get ugly fast. Sorry to say there is no good solution to male to male aggression in this,breed.

Jul 03, 2016
Two male adult pyrenees
by: Anonymous

Even if all three dogs have been neutered?

Jul 05, 2016
Close second
by: Ed A from NJ

You can train them to respond to your comands to back off. However I found when left alone the males will excerpt there domanace.

Aug 19, 2016
Female aggression?
by: Lori

Are female Pyrenees alpha minded also? I have a 7 month old female Pyr, not spayed yet as vet recommends altering after 1 heat cycle) and I was contacted by a friend who knows of another 6 month old female Pyr who needs a new home. The younger female has already been altered, and as I said before, my pup will be altered soon. Does anyone know if there is a chance that the two females might be competitive/aggressive as adult bitches? Would love to give the new pup a good home, but don't want to risk future calamity.

Aug 19, 2016
Two females
by: Great Pyrenees Club

Alpha (high-ranked) would be a good thing.

Here is some information on high to low-ranked dogs:

We normally call this high ranked to low ranked in dogs. A high ranked dog does not have to do anything. They are absolutely confident in themselves. Lower ranked dogs just sense this and grovel on meeting them.

The middle-ranked are less confident and can be bullies in trying to pretend they are confident to establish a higher-rank than the newcomer.

Then, there are the lower-ranked dogs who just go onto their backs in hopes they are left alone by any dog because they have no self-confidence.

Here is are a couple of interesting articles on the theory of dominance:

All that said, we don't recommend two females nor two males in the same household. There can be occasions where they do get along but you may not want to chance it. Your dog is young but as she matures, there may be fights and there is nothing you can do to stop those. They simply don't see eye-to-eye.

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