new dog

by Garrett

ok so im going to get one Saturday and his name is goliath
and hes gonna have goats to herd
but I also have 3 inside dogs 2 dachshund and a yorkie
how should I prevent a fight

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Sep 09, 2016
by: Donna

Just so you know, Pyrs do not herd, They are guardian dogs and watch over the animals. They go where the herd goes.

If you think there will be a fight, keep them separate.

Make sure all dogs are neutered and spayed. Introduce the dogs outside on neutral territory. Keep Goliath leashed until you feel he adjusts to the other dogs. He may or may not want the other dogs near his herd. That's his call.

I don't know how old your dog is but he won't be ready to be left alone with the goats until he is at least a year and a half. You don't want the goats to hurt him. You will need to keep him leashed when you are working around the goats. When you are not there, keep him in a big pen amongst the goats so he gets used to them.

Or, was your dog to be raised with goats? If so, you still need to watch him if he is young. If he is a pup, he will want to play. The goats will want to play, too, but goats are idiots and may hurt the pup.

You will need a second dog to allow Goliath (make sure to neuter him) to have a break. Get a female (spay her) to help him out.

Sep 12, 2016
Almost perfect
by: Ed A from NJ

Donna is spot on and this may be her best writing to date.

I would add if your new dog is,a puppy socialize him well with your inside dogs. I found all of my pyres will accept responsibility for all the small animals including there little doggie brother.

It is very important all the doggies are spayed or neutered so when your big man comes of age he don't get grumpy with them.

A neutered and spayed pair of Pryenees will settle in very nicely. Also make sure you do your research on proper time for neuter you will need healthy joints and hips on your big guards.

Sep 12, 2016
by: Great Pyrenees Club

Spaying will ensure the female doesn't get pregnant by any dog/coyote/wolf.

Neutering the male will keep him at home and keep him from impregnating dogs that are not, sadly, spayed.

Spaying and neutering will keep the dogs focused on their jobs.

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