by Huey T
(Heavens Konows Where)
Just another inspiration from yesterday's event.
Roman my pyr has been tested his mettle since day one... his almost 7 hrs (one way) loooong car ride home with his new family "us".
Yeah, for my hubby's "early" Christmas present from us gals... no distance is too far for us as a family (it was a whole day event getting Roman). And believe it, Roman is more than well worth the effort. And if we have to fly him to us from the other side of the globe, we will...
That was 2 months ago of course.
Since I mostly stay home with him (I work from home)... he is my buddy everywhere I go. That includes grocery trips, shopping, errands, lunch meeting with hubby etc. Yesterday was no different, and luckily for me, he love those car trips for some reasons. Oh and plus while we humans are squished in our "designated" passenger seats, my DD complained that Roman actually gets a lot bigger space in the back of the car than she does... lol! He is comfie alrite.
Yesterday... (And my hubby have already scolded me for this)...
I have tortured his (my hubby's) precious kiddo for almost 10 hours cooped up in that car with me (with tons of in between breaks of walk, water, snack etc. of course) while I did my last minute Christmas preparation shopping. I will say he is such a good boy he slept through lunch while I meet with hubby, and did sleep for the major part of the trip. He is even better than my daughters when they were babies for napping that long I might add.
And no, I will never trade my Pyr pup for anything ever... what a good baby he is for putting up with me.
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